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ENTREP 325: Engineering Entrepreneurship

Quarter Offered



Startup Accounting & Finance: ENTREP 330.


The goal of the course is to introduce students to innovation-driven entrepreneurship, a process by which emergent technology serves as the catalyst for new venture formation. In partnership with Northwestern’s Innovation and New Ventures Office, this course challenges student teams to develop strategies for commercializing cutting-edge technologies. Each year, the course focuses on a significant innovation space. This experiential course is a capstone option for the Farley undergraduate minor in entrepreneurship. It is also a valuable course for graduate students in engineering fields. 


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Course Details

Requirements that this course satisfies: Serves as the experiential requirement for the Farley undergraduate minor and fulfills the experiential requirement for the Farley graduate minor in entrepreneurship. It also serves as a management science elective for the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering program and can count towards a concentration in either Management Science or Entrepreneurship for students in the same program. 

Duration: 3-hour course sessions, once per week (3-hour courses include regular breaks and are broken into lecture, discussion, and groupwork portions); 1 quarter 

Class size: 35 Students 

Course numbers: ENTREP 325 & IEMS 325 

Who Should Enroll: Any graduate or undergraduate student interested in expanding their knowledge of entrepreneurship and innovation. 


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