ENTREP 330: Startup Accounting and Finance
Quarter Offered
Winter: Tuesdays, 6 – 8:50 p.m. CT, Evanston
Spring: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:30 – 7:50 p.m. CT, Evanston
This course teaches students foundational accounting principles and how to manage the finances of small and early-stage businesses. Students will work in teams on projects driven by case studies and will immediately be able to apply their learnings to their own startup projects. Students who have completed Financial Foundations for Entrepreneurs should not enroll in this class.
Course Details
Requirements that this course satisfies: Serves as the finance requirement for the Farley undergraduate minor and fulfills an elective requirement for the Farley graduate minor in entrepreneurship.
Duration: 3-hour course sessions, once per week (3-hour courses include regular breaks and are broken into lecture, discussion, and groupwork portions); 1 quarter
Class size: 30 Students
Course number: ENTREP 330
Who Should Enroll: Any undergraduate student interested in expanding their knowledge of entrepreneurship and innovation.
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